
Day 33: Sleeping in a night club

I left my camp site today expecting dirt track roads all the way into town about 60km away.  It was a nice surprise to find 1km later to be on good tarmac. Things got better as I started to feel better after a bad night. I think I have a chest infection hence the bad nights lying down and ok when up. Hopefully the anti biotics will help.

The first town Wa was were I had expected to find a hotel until I felt better.  By the time I got there I did not feel the need so carried on.  The roads and environment just kept getting better.  The driving standards however just kept getting worse.  Twice today i was forced off the road by oncoming overtaking vehicles. The scenery is definitely tropical now with bananas being one of the main cross.

Toward the end of the day I started looking for a hotel.  Everywhere I tried had no internet so i kept going into one of the main cities.  I went to the nice part of town and found a lovely hotel.  Showered and cleaned up I got an early night and was asleep around 8pm. It is now 12.33am!!! I was woken 1 hour ago by car doors slamming and what I thought was somebody banging on a hotel door. No it is VERY load music from the night club next door.  I have been to reception and woke her up. At least she can sleep through it. Apparently it goes on till 4am.

On a brighter note i have arranged to meet some Scouts tomorrow.

Kumasi, Ashanti Region, Ghana

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