This is Lady Cindy, Lady Cindy….
I had chance to practice my radio skills today, a yacht ran aground about 500m away from where I am anchored. I first heard about it on Channel 16 (emergency channel) from a conversation between a rib reporting the grounding and the coast guard. I followed them to channel 67 and after their conversation, I cut in reporting I could see the vessel and monitor it until it refloats on the incoming tide. The Coastguard have been calling me hourly to check on the situation.

I decided not to raise the sails today, the winds were high this morning, the weather gods obviously had a different forecaster than me, more importantly the wind was from the north and freezing. I decided to stay put and do some odd jobs around the boat and have a chill out day reading in the warm cabin.
I think Dotty has hurt her hip again, probably while sliding around the deck yesterday, the rest will do her good as well.